Helping Buyers at Every Stage of their Real Estate Purchase
While real estate sales contracts in Illinois are standardized, they are neither easy to complete nor to understand. Even if you have purchased homes before, you might not know the meanings of several terms used in your mortgage documentation or in the clauses included with your sales contract.
At Fournier Law Firm, our commitment is to help you at every stage of your real estate purchase.

Our Services Include:
Review the real estate sales contract.
Making sure your contract includes adequate financing and inspection contingencies and other terms necessary to protect your interests.
Review or propose amendments to the contract.
Monitor your financing to ensure timely approval so as not to delay your closing.
Negotiate with sellers on your behalf concerning defects in the property.
Assure that there are no encroachments on the property boundaries.
Review the title insurance commitment and helping you to resolve exceptions to insurance coverage.
Assure that all closing documents are accurate.
Confirm that all real estate taxes are paid through the date of closing.
Assuring you receive the property free and clear of all liens.
Attending the closing with you and making sure that you understand each and every document before you sign it.
Prepare a post-closing binder so that you will have a permanent record of the pertinent documents from your real estate purchase.